Polio NSW holds educational Seminars in the Sydney metropolitan area twice a year, together with a biennial Country Conference. These Seminars usually, but not always, address various aspects of managing the late effects of polio. For example, other topics covered include NSW health and disability services available to members and their families. Suggestions for Seminar topics are always welcome. Seminar and Conference details are published regularly in Polio NSW’s flagship quarterly publication, Network News. Members, family and friends are all welcome at Polio NSW events.
The mid-year metropolitan Seminar is held in the Northcott Society’s Auditorium in Parramatta. The Seminar runs from 10 am to 3 pm and features more than one presentation and/or speaker. A light lunch is included. The cost (a contribution towards catering) is generally $10-$15.
The end-of-year Seminar is held in conjunction with the Annual General Meeting at Burwood RSL Club in Burwood. The AGM is generally held at 11 am, followed by a light lunch (free of charge) with the Seminar commencing around 1 pm. Again, a range of topics are canvassed.
The biennial Country Conference is held over one day every two years. In recent times, Conferences have been held in Dubbo (2003), Beresfield (2005), Ballina (2007), Wagga (2009) and Bomaderry (2011). The next Country Conference is planned to be held in Canberra during September 2014.
Country Conferences feature a range of speakers who present not only on managing the late effects of polio, but also on the availability of local services. As with the metropolitan Seminars, the day’s attendance costs are subsidised by Polio NSW thereby keeping them to a minimum. If travelling from a distance, attendees arrange their own accommodation.