The Post-Polio Network Inc was established in NSW in 1989. In 2011 the organisation changed its name to Polio NSW Inc. Polio NSW is a member of Polio Australia.
Polio NSW provides support and information about the late effects of polio to polio survivors and their families, predominantly (but not exclusively) in New South Wales. The services provided to members are detailed on this site.
Polio NSW is a voluntary self-help self-funded organisation governed by a Management Committee composed mainly of polio survivors. It is incorporated under the NSW Associations Incorporation Act 2009 and is an authority holder under the Charitable Fundraising Act 1991. Polio NSW’s activities are funded through membership subscriptions, donations and occasional one-off philanthropic grants. Polio NSW receives no government funding.
Polio NSW is endorsed by the Australian Taxation Office as a Public Benevolent Institution and as a Deductible Gift Recipient (ABN 90 039 932 667 refers). As such, donations to Polio NSW are tax deductible and are welcome and gratefully received at any time. Tax-deductible receipts are issued promptly.
For further information about the late effects of polio or Polio NSW, please contact our office.